Hot take: Libra Solar Eclipse

Hot take on Eclipses

Eclipses are a celestial alignment of the nodes of the moon, the north & south node, also known as the head and tail of the dragon within 18° of a new or full moon. They come in series, along polarity axis of signs opposite of one another, and connect to a larger series called the saros series. We are currently entering the Libra/Aries eclipse series and ending the Scorpio/Taurus series that began in November 2021.

The theory: eclipses are chaos.

In ancient times: eclipses meant the possibility of rulers loosing their position of power.

In practice: working with eclipse energy is unstable and unpredictable, requiring that we let go in order to flow with change that is beyond our control. timelines shift, storylines flip.

Hot~take: Eclipses are a celestial omen reminding humans of their mortality & that our experience here on earth is temporary. The power, the earthly powers, that we cling on to here are meant to help us evolve through the experience of right relationship to self & other. They serve a purpose, and that purpose is shaking us out of illusion & ego, revealing and redirecting one’s orientation to the path of understanding & creating within the infinite expressions of love. Though eclipses themselves are neutral events, our humanness needs to be checked, regularly, by these gatekeepers. It’s how we respond to irrevocable change that gives clues to how we have built up the interpretive conclusions of eclipse seasons.

What we do here has resonance, but nothing is promised. Eclipses are a reminder that light is not always what it seems. There is more than one kind of light. When the Sun or Moon are eclipsed, we must learn to see with a new kind of perception. We get a peak behind the celestial curtain. The power goes out on the world stage. Shadows in the polarity world become bigger, the web of life teems. An inner light awakens.

VENUS right now is in a new synodic cycle, guided by the initiation of morning star phase in the sign of LEO which colors the 586 day cycle that began August 13, 2023. We’re in the realm of The Lion. The Sun, the Heart, the central organizing force, Sekmet, Judah, the great destroyer of darkness, the kingdom of light. How do we destroy darkness? create more light.

Is it possible that in this polarity experience of eclipses, we are given an opportunity to understand the true everlasting power of a light that is invisible, a light that casts no shadow? We don’t have to do anything. It’s just there.

Let love in.

in you, love expands.

. . .


as the nodal axis shifts & things that once felt familiar or within your control become shaky

ask yourself

  • to what & whom does my energy & attention serve? are these relationships in balance?

  • what practices build resilience & sustain access to sovereignty, love & joy?

  • how do I stay embodied, connected to my unique essence & spirit, in times of upheaval?

Love is your birthright. The only power that can be taken is what was never yours to begin with. This is different than bypassing accountability for ones actions. We access this kind of power by taking responsibility for moments when we act from a place that is not in alignment to our truth, and from there we take loving action, through forgiveness & intentional choice. We all have a role to play in this dance. (Holier than thou need not apply, that light certainly casts a shadow.) The shadow dance becomes a blazing line of polarity right now. Some will be doing the best they can, and others will be doing the best they can to resist taking action from a place of love.

If you are in service of love (one love, god, source, the heavenly universe)… create more love. Which is unbound light (and sound) available to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Send love to the battlefields which need it most without being pulled into the drama. Let love be enough, let love stir you into action. Be creative with your love. Send golden waves across time & space woven with the glimmering light of stars… be inspired by love. You’ll soon learn that what you love will require you to go places you haven’t been before, awakening the unknown. 

Radiating love from the center of your heart is a revolutionary act in times of darkness. your love, creates more love. it ripples out, beyond your control. Remember how powerful love is. It is not simply a romantic gesture. Love anchors hope & joy in a world governed by free-will. Love allows us to be in coherence. To sync up to a power bigger than ourselves. It is a choice, a noun, an profound tool to be wielded, a state of being which moves us into action. We are either in service to love or in service to the devices which aim to separate us from our connection to it… whether we realize it or not is up to our awareness & capacity to reflect and see with clarity in any given moment.

So maybe… take some time to reconnect to yourself. Do less, tend the inner landscape, lay low, be humbled, find your resonance, connect to everlasting infinite love within you, all around you, and give the rest back to source. clear out stagnation. feel the feelings & digest the lessons. Let go of what pulls you away from the central organizing force of the universe. Yield to the dragons tail. Maybe there’s a bigger plan, so let it unravel, and see where you land on the other side of the portal. Surrender to melt into something higher.

the Saros Series of this eclipse & the following eclipse in two weeks (from Bernadette Brady’s The Eagle and the Lark)

is Saros Series 7 South.

Linking the trine between Pluto & Mars brings about sudden power shifts,

clearing the way for rapid manifestation of

EITHER crisis or a major clearing of an obstacle.

Over the next two weeks, we find one chapter opens & another closes. These thresholds link us to  18 month - 2 year cycles.

As we know, eclipses are connected to the nodes of destiny. As fate unfolds, may love align you to all that is meant for your soul’s highest expression. May you experience the love available to aide you, no matter what the circumstance, when you are ready and open to receive it. As you let go of relationships that no longer resonate, lean in to the emptiness of that space. Love can be a blade that cuts into the wound. Clear the air, breathe, & flow.

* * *the double Venus eclipse portal * * *

October 14, 2023 - October 28, 2023 at 21° Libra (solar) and 5° Taurus (lunar)

and when it all feels like too much… dance.

animals get wily under eclipse energy. with the ruling planet of Libra & Taurus being Venus in Virgo, a mutable sign ruled by Mercury, meeting two Coyotes on my travels today brought my attention to the trickster energy at the crossroads. Sometimes we must learn how to see things from new & unfamiliar vantage points before deciding how to take aligned action. Thoroughly map uncharted points which turn up as you explore the potential of change which occurs during this eclipse series. Respond, don’t react. Let what is true reveal itself.

I will see you all on the other side of this eclipse portal for the New Moon in Scorpio

(the first Scorpio New Moon that is not an eclipse since November 2021 !! )

Take care everyone.



Scorpio New Moon


aries full moon